Plans are coming on a-pace.
We've decided on the layout of the inside of the marquee now.
We have secured a DJ.
We're booking the hotel for us and the Mums imminently.
I (Mr. John McKenna) have my outfit!!!!!!
We're trying to decide on an Ice Sculpture (HOW gay!!!!) for the buffet display - Mary, our Caterer insists we have one!
One thing we haven't really thought about yet is Rings.....jokes on a postcard please!
As previously promised, I think its about time we introduced some other VIWPPs to the world, so without further a-do, here are the Mums, without whom none of this would have been possible....
Celia, for that is my Mum's name, lives in Somerset and has done for the last God knows how many years...too many probably! Mum is "young (ish), free and single", so any would-be suitors, please contact me for further details - forewarned is forearmed I always say!
Me and my Mum
Some of my fondest memories of Mum are in the kitchen.....baking Banana Bread immediately springs to mind! Her recipe cannot be beaten, its delicious, truly.....Mother, get baking woman!
Mum is not only 'Mum' to me, but also my little Sister, Olivia. One of us has caused Mum no end of grief and I have been a model Son! In seriousness, Mum has always been there when I've needed her (and I'm pretty sure my little Sister would agree!). Until I met John it was probably on a very regular basis, maybe too calls asking if I could come and stay due to heart ache, moving back home, moving out, etc, etc.....she always said yes, she never turned me away, ever....Thanks Mum, I love you tons!
Joyce, for that is my man's Mum's name, lives in Cheshire and has done so, in the same house, for longer than I have been on this planet! Joyce was married to the lovely 'Jack' Ellis, who very sadly passed away after a very brief battle against Cancer in January 2008. When Jack was alive, Joyce acted as Official Translator for me as Jack had the broadest Cheshire accent I have ever heard and I couldn't understand a word he blank look from me and she knew exactly what to do!
Him and his Mum
One thing you cannot fault Joyce on is her ability to be the "Hostess with the Most-est"....In the winter months, upon arrival at Chez Ellis, one is almost immediately presented with a tumbler of Whisky and one's own personal little bottle of Lemonade, to dilute as one sees fit....FAB!

As well as John, Joyce is also Mother to 4 other children (fertile is the word we like to use!)...we have (in ascending order) Christine (aka Mag), Pauline (aka Camilla), Timothy (aka Mini Me!) and Richard (aka Captain Car Crash!)
So, the Mums have been introduced.....what marvellous Ladies....Long May They Reign!
More VIWPPs to this space, you never know, it could be YOU!