Only 6 days to go until we descend upon Cobham in Surrey for our Civil Partnership celebrations.
Today we had our "wedding haircuts", put the suits into the dry cleaners and Mr Ellis went off searching for a nice pair of shoes. Me, I stayed at home, playing with the hens and doing the washing....I'm domesticated already and not even married yet - Mr Ellis is indeed very lucky!!
We thought it would be nice for you all to have a little peek at the place where it's all happening, and so, here it is Boys and Girls.....the venue!

My Husband-to-be looking cute
Chestnut Lodge is truly a wonderful place and these photographs give just a glimpse of the wonders that await you all.
There are still some last minute jobs for us both to attend to and sort out before Friday 14th August when we go to Lewisham Registrar for the 'legal bit', but for the most part I think we are done. We met with the caterer last night and all is now well and truly paste sarnies and pickled eggs ok for everyone???
We're both very eager to know more about the cake. Sharon, one of the Best Women who I am sure you will have heard from by now, has made it for us as a wedding gift and it is also a complete surprise.......what will it look like????
Only 6 days until we find out!!!!
See you on 15th August!