Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Lady Scott said...

Well Wolfie and Renton as you know Lady Scott and Sir Knackers are anticipating your wedlock with relish (green tomato chutney to be precise).

Lady Scott needs to get in touch with Fish Woman of the South to arrange lots of doings!! Fish Woman let me know when I can contact you....

Lady Scott said...

Well Wolfie and Renton, didn't know you were called that...... as you know Lady Scott and Knickers are anticipating the big day with great relish (green tomato) and are already moist with anticipation.

Lady Scott needs to make contact with Fish Woman of the South. If you are on-line Fish Woman let me know the best time to call you.....Love to Big Fish Man and little Sandling.

Lady Scott said...

Lady Scott is in duplication mode, sorry to all reading this. Thought original message had gone amiss.

Never=mind you can't have too much of a good thing.

Unknown said...

Lady Scott of the North...Fish Woman of the South calling. Having read our profiles and considering the magnitude of the task in hand methinks a serious set of plotting is required....a cunning plan needs to emerge! What we choose to share with the happy couple remains to be seen...email me heather.koldewey@zsl.org or Evil/Dahlia can give you my mobile to start the dastardly plot..is that taffetta and bows and bonnets I see....