Saturday, August 8, 2009
A Sneak Preview

Thursday, August 6, 2009
We're in the Paper!!!!

Here's looking forward to THE Society wedding of the year darlings!!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Bits, Bobs and the Boys
The weekend was spent half successful and half not successful. Oh yes, head petal scatterer now has her outfit - I am sure that Jemima Jane is going to look an absolute star. We now have to start collecting petals!
Anyway, two very special guests at the wedding, and indeed they mean the world to both of us but me especially, Mr Henry John Ellis and Mr James Daniel Ellis.
Henry John - first born - "H" to most. I remember coming out of the hospital after he popped out. No mucking about apart from trying to strangle himself with the umbilical on the way out. Going home at 7am, sunshine and lambs and green Welsh meadows and all this in the grounds of the hospital it was never going to be a day I will ever forget.
H is Mr Adventure. Snow-boarder, street hockey player, beer aficionado and part time ferreter (I have the photos). Live wire is an understatement and truly, I can get exhausted just listening to what he fits into his life but hey, that's son number one.

James Daniel - son number two - my little boy who is rapidly going to overtake me in height (though I personally think I'm shrinking). Memories of birth somewhat different from H as I had to be restrained in the hospital for trying to smack the registrar between the eyes (it's a long story).

Dan also hasn't selected the life career yet. Some ideas have been floated (I personally think if he had started on the hair dressing apprenticeship he would have been an international stylist by now) however he is very good at drinking, a good cook and seriously could compete for the UK in the Olympics at the 24 hours sleep.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Brothers & Sisters
I, John McKenna have only one sibling, my sister Olivia who is 7 years younger than me, although the way she nags on at me sometimes you’d think I was the younger one!
Olivia spends her time between playing Guitar Hero (I say nothing!), wanting a puppy/kitten/whatever pet she can think of at the time, driving in a mad, erratic manner and listening to very dodgy music….Who’d have thought Metallica were a band?? There was me thinking it was the colour of the season!

‘Mag’ (Christine Margaret, hence the moniker) is “the next one down” from John Arthur and is also a new grandmother to her grandson, Louis Jack, now 8 months old…..
‘Our Christine’ is also VERY proud of her bosom….it is heavy and heaving and it has been seen….a lot!

She is a craaaaaazy woman, absolutely mad as a hatter…...but lovely with it!
When I first met ‘Pol’ she had just come back from a rampant ride around the Isle of Wight (she lives there too with her boyfriend, “Col” and her grown up children Ben and Lee) on her horse, Jack, and was re-telling the story to all that would listen (and those that wouldn’t!). I honestly thought to myself, “she is one craaaaaazy woman, we is not gonna get on, innit”…..but I was soooo wrong!

Dick currently works for Her Majesty in the Army, and loves to tell a few stories about his adventures and encounters with the local ethnic populations….!
Dick enjoys dressing up and is also known to set a fashion trend when the whim takes him….I believe the spot on item for this Summer is “Pocahontas” style moccasins….watch out for them on the big day!
Well…..that’s the siblings done *phew*
Who to ‘do’ next I wonder…………………..?! With that thought in mind, I would like to leave you with a picture that I think pretty much sums up the "Ellis Clan"......not a brother or sister, but John's niece Katie, as seen above, but just a little bit drunker....here she is:
Only 5 weeks and 3 days to go people……I hope you’ve all got your outfits sorted, accommodation booked and transport arranged….
We’re nearly there….!
Monday, May 11, 2009
The Dalyan Posse (more VIWPPs!)

Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Grand Design

Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Oh Mother!
Him and his Mum
One thing you cannot fault Joyce on is her ability to be the "Hostess with the Most-est"....In the winter months, upon arrival at Chez Ellis, one is almost immediately presented with a tumbler of Whisky and one's own personal little bottle of Lemonade, to dilute as one sees fit....FAB!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Nick is husband to the long suffering Sharon and is an enigma to us all. He claims to have a very sharp sense of humour but we always seem to be on the blunt end of it. He has an unhealthy fixation with cycling (the man has buns of steel) and he wears secondhand underpants. Nackers is a wonderful man, we love him lots and lots...oh, and he's also a Pussy Magnet!
Lawrence aka "Loz" or "Dude"
Lawrence is husband to Heather and father to our wonderful God Daughter, Jemima Bean and her brother Ferdinand. I think you will agree that this 'hunk-o-spunk' looks mighty fine in a wet suit (Thanks for the picture Heather!). Lawrence is a Marine Biologist and spends his days with the fishes on the end of a kite-surfboard.....if you fancy a go he gives lessons which you can book here: http://www.oceanhigh.co.uk/Home.html Don't all rush at once ladies (and GentleBents!).
More on other VIWPP (Very Important Wedding Party People) in future editions of the blog.
Now.....I'm off to book my kite-surfing!!!