Hello Everyone,
My, my doesn't time fly when you're stressing over Civil Partnership arrangements and the like.....much time has passed since my last entry!
So, as you can tell from the rather obvious title of this chapter, I have chosen to pick on, er I mean "showcase" those lovelies out there that claim to be our siblings.....DNA test results are awaited!
I, John McKenna have only one sibling, my sister Olivia who is 7 years younger than me, although the way she nags on at me sometimes you’d think I was the younger one!
Olivia spends her time between playing Guitar Hero (I say nothing!), wanting a puppy/kitten/whatever pet she can think of at the time, driving in a mad, erratic manner and listening to very dodgy music….Who’d have thought Metallica were a band?? There was me thinking it was the colour of the season!

Me and my Sister
Anyway, for all her faults (far too many to list here, we only have so much space you know!), she is my little sister and I love her very much. We’ve had our ups and downs, as siblings often do, but we see each other right in the end. I was “lucky” (check the definition of this word!!!) enough to go shopping recently with her and Mum to find them outfits for the wedding and I think she’s going to look lovely – I never knew that Polyester/Rayon mix came in such an array of colours!

Guitar Heroine?!
John Ellis has 4 (the word I like to use is fertile!) brothers and sisters and they are, in order of age, as follows:
‘Mag’ (Christine Margaret, hence the moniker) is “the next one down” from John Arthur and is also a new grandmother to her grandson, Louis Jack, now 8 months old…..
‘Our Christine’ is also VERY proud of her bosom….it is heavy and heaving and it has been seen….a lot!

Mag's heaving bosom
Mag lives on the Isle of Wight with her husband Les and her two grown up children, Katie (the gorgeous mother of Louis Jack) and Tom (who is currently terrorising the female population of Kavos in Greece – *Go Tom, Go Tom*).
She is a craaaaaazy woman, absolutely mad as a hatter…...but lovely with it!
When I first met ‘Pol’ she had just come back from a rampant ride around the Isle of Wight (she lives there too with her boyfriend, “Col” and her grown up children Ben and Lee) on her horse, Jack, and was re-telling the story to all that would listen (and those that wouldn’t!). I honestly thought to myself, “she is one craaaaaazy woman, we is not gonna get on, innit”…..but I was soooo wrong!

John's Niece Katie, Me and Pol
“Camilla” as I like to call her (in the right light she bears an uncanny resemblance to HRH), is fabulous…..truly lovely and we have a right laugh together comparing the size of our nipples.
aka Timothy Edward is, if I’m not mistaken, a little like a John Arthur “Mini Me”, especially with a goatee….what say you readers? I have to admit, when I checked with John who was born in what order, I did think that Tim was after John….sorry Tim, must have been the dodgy hair styling that caught me off guard ;-)

"Mini Me" and John Arthur
Timothy also lives on the Isle of Wight with his son and daughter (Sam and Philippa) and likes to think of himself as a bit of a laugh……Tim, with the hair sculptures you created, you'll be keeping us laughing for a while yet!
Known affectionately by John and myself as Captain Car Crash (for he is a little bit excitable!), ‘Dick’ lives in Cheshire with his lovely wife, Kate and their stable of thoroughbred horses and a number of little terrier dogs.

Dick, in one of his butcher moments!
Dick currently works for Her Majesty in the Army, and loves to tell a few stories about his adventures and encounters with the local ethnic populations….!
Dick enjoys dressing up and is also known to set a fashion trend when the whim takes him….I believe the spot on item for this Summer is “Pocahontas” style moccasins….watch out for them on the big day!
Well…..that’s the siblings done *phew*
Who to ‘do’ next I wonder…………………..?! With that thought in mind, I would like to leave you with a picture that I think pretty much sums up the "Ellis Clan"......not a brother or sister, but John's niece Katie, as seen above, but just a little bit drunker....here she is:

Only 5 weeks and 3 days to go people……I hope you’ve all got your outfits sorted, accommodation booked and transport arranged….
We’re nearly there….!
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