The weekend was spent half successful and half not successful. Oh yes, head petal scatterer now has her outfit - I am sure that Jemima Jane is going to look an absolute star. We now have to start collecting petals!
Anyway, two very special guests at the wedding, and indeed they mean the world to both of us but me especially, Mr Henry John Ellis and Mr James Daniel Ellis.
Henry John - first born - "H" to most. I remember coming out of the hospital after he popped out. No mucking about apart from trying to strangle himself with the umbilical on the way out. Going home at 7am, sunshine and lambs and green Welsh meadows and all this in the grounds of the hospital it was never going to be a day I will ever forget.
H is Mr Adventure. Snow-boarder, street hockey player, beer aficionado and part time ferreter (I have the photos). Live wire is an understatement and truly, I can get exhausted just listening to what he fits into his life but hey, that's son number one.

James Daniel - son number two - my little boy who is rapidly going to overtake me in height (though I personally think I'm shrinking). Memories of birth somewhat different from H as I had to be restrained in the hospital for trying to smack the registrar between the eyes (it's a long story).

Dan also hasn't selected the life career yet. Some ideas have been floated (I personally think if he had started on the hair dressing apprenticeship he would have been an international stylist by now) however he is very good at drinking, a good cook and seriously could compete for the UK in the Olympics at the 24 hours sleep.

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